Whether it’s your little one’s first time, or they role like a seasoned pre-school vet, parents realize the importance of adjusting into the rhythms of a school schedule. With that in mind, We’d love to offer 3 quick tips for easing your child back into the school year.
1.Develop a Routine
Kids thrive on routine- when a child knows what to expect, it all seems so much less scary! Waking up at a consistent time in the morning and going to sleep at a consistent time at night helps their bodies to adjust and ensures they aren’t getting too much or too little sleep.
2.Prepare Things Ahead of Time
Making sure things are ready to go in the morning helps take the stress off mom and child! Making lunches, laying out clothes, signing any forms are all things that can be done ahead of time to get things off to a great start!
3.Talk It Out
Begin to talk to your child before the school year starts about what they’re looking forward and what makes them nervous. Opening this door of communication early will help with giving them a sense of security and openness in talking about the highs and lows of their day once school begins!